How to Protect Facebook Account from Hackers
Prevention is better than cure. If you feel you have some(at least) valuable content or if you feel that your Facebook account is important they you need to take minimum precautions to protect it from hackers. It can be like you need to take precautions at least to reset your password quick once it was hacked by some one. Many accounts were hacked last year and it is going on. Though Facebook itself provides a lot of options to protect and restore your account people are busy in checking only their wall for updates. Let us have a look at the some precautionary settings have to be done so as to protect ones account.
#1. Create a Strong Password and don’t share it with anyone
#2. Browse Facebook with https for better security
#3. Check URL (address) of site when you are giving username and password because many webpages have similar look and feel and they will store your password once you entered your credentials
#4. Enable Login Notifications for your account which helps you let you know by emailing or by sending message to your phone
#5. Only allow well know Apps to access your Facebook in Apps Settings
#6. Add your secondary email at ( Home ->Account Settings->General->Email (Edit). This will help you to send your password when you lost.
#7. Remember your username ( not email ) which will be at Home ->Account Settings->General->Username this will helps you to reset password.
#8. Regularly check if anyone are accessing your Facebook account.
#9. Register your Mobile at ( Home->Account Settings-> Mobile ). This is must and such a nice option. You will be intimated if someone tried to login to your account and intimated about your reset code when you want to change your password
#10. Make sure you maintain proper info about yourself, if everything goes wrong and you are unable to reset your password this matter really helps to communicate with Facebook engineers.
#11. Most important update your security question which is at ( Home->Account Settings-> Security Question ). If you wont see this option it means you have already set that and you can see at Facebook security question info page
All these options helps you to protect your account being hacked or atleast helps you to recover your password if someone gain access over your account.