The World is not going to End in December 21 2012 or Collide with Nibiru in 2012
Dear respected visitor the blogs and You Tube videos are full of news about December 21 2012, the end date of the world and collision of earth and nibiru now days. Actually this is not the truth because the blog writers are not scientist so how can they say that the world is going to end on December 21 2012 or the earth is going to collide with nibiru? If you have read any blog news about nibiru I think you have noticed the dates of collision of earth with nibiru. The blogers are gradually changing the dates because they not want to inform about the nibiru they just want to increase the visitor in blog or You Tube video. So don’t think and became terrify about destruction of the earth just think to how we can live happily in this earth and how to make the earth so beautiful the every microsecond we feel happy. If nibiru has to collide with earth then we have nothing to do we can’t stop this so why should we think about the subject?
Please visit the link
Why earth will not end in December 21 2012.
1) The predicted date December 21 2012 has told not by the scientists.
2) The Mayan scientists are not well equipped with any measurement tool they are just telling based on the thesis even they have not any telescope.
3) December 21 2012 believers are saying that NASA is hiding the truth is it possible to hide the secrets and if possible then why should they do so?
4) Some December 21 2012 and collision of earth and nibiru believers are saying that if NASA confirms that the earth is going to collide with nibiru then all will believe it and there will be a commotion an unorderness in human society through out the world created so they are not publishing the truth.
5) All creators have the tendency to being and becoming NASA scientist are not out side of this area. So according to the human nature at least on scientist must leaked the matter as he(at least one NASA scientist) know that all earth is going to end in December 21 2012 or with collision of the earth with nibiru.
Please visit the link for more real information in support of the earth is not going to end on December 21 2012 and the earth is going to collide with nibiru:
Wikipedia link: